
Top 3 locations to find Secret Room locations in pubg mobile 2020

Top 3 locations to find Secret Room locations in pubg mobile 2020

Recently pubg mobile came with a new achievement called “ Payload Powerhouse ” and in that there are five missions are there .

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In which one of them is “ Breaking doors of secret rooms ” so in order to break them we need to know the locations . So in this iam going to share with you Top 3 locations to find Secret room locations in payload in pubg mobile.

These are new Secret locations in pubg mobile.

What is Payload Powerhouse achievement ?

The achievement is to complete all the missions in payload 2.0 mode in pubg mobile . There are 5 missions in it and need to be completed in single match .

For more info click here 

Top 3 locations to find Secret Room locations in pubg mobile 2020 :- 

The below listed places are the locations to find the secret room for 100 percent sure .

1) Rozhok - Double storied building 

Rozhok is the first location where you can find the secret room . You can find this building on the left side of the road and near the garage.

Inside the secret room you can find Rpg - 7 weapon and ammo for the weapons and one radar .

Top 3 locations to find Secret Room locations in pubg mobile 2020
You have a little amount of chances to find these secret rooms in the houses and a higher chance of finding these in large buildings.

2) School 

If you are a pubg player you might have heard the name School and it is on of the location of secret rooms.
Top 3 locations to find Secret Room locations in pubg mobile 2020

From the entrance of the school , you see two sides one is left and the other is right . Go to the right side of the block and at the starting entrance you can find the Secret room.

Note :- These doors can be broken with the launchers like RPG-7 and other launchers but not with the Normal Weapons.

3) Prison - Main Building 

Top 3 locations to find Secret Room locations in pubg mobile 2020

We have the secret room inside the Prison main building . You can find the secret room inside the building in 3rd / 4 th floor in the building.

This is the third location of secret rooms in payload in pubg mobile .

Also Watch video :- click here .

Q/ns:- (most asked questions in Google related to pubg mobile)

1) Which gun has most bullet drop in PUBG?

Ans :-  VSS

Vss has highest bullet drop in pubg mobile and has the lowest damage of 41 amongst all the DMRs and Snipers.

2)What is the least damaging weapon in PUBG?

Ans :- P18C (Pistol) weapon in PUBG Mobile 

3)Which gun is best for short range in PUBG?

Ans :-  AKM is great for close-range to mid-range. You can pre-fire and other than akm any weapon of 7.62 ammunition will have high damage.

Thankyou for coming 

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