
How to get dependable title in pubg | Pubg Mobile

guide to get dependable title in pubg.

dependable pubg title

In this post I am going to share with you how to get Dependable Achievement in PUBG.

To get the dependable tittle in pubg mobile , you have to complete the dependable Achievement first .

It is an Login achievement where you have to login for a total of 720 days . It can be completed when you login for 720 days.

You can login continuously or you can also login in any time 

It can be completed easily when you open the , you can easily login to your game and It will be completed.

How to get dependable title in pubg

To know where the achievement is, go to your Missions 

dependable pubg title

You can see clearly see in the image , after that click  on Achievements .

In Achievements Section you can see all achievements which you have completed and some other achievements which still need to be complete.

How to get dependable title in pubg

To know where the dependable Achievement is , click on the 5th option and scroll down .

You can see the Dependable achievement and you can also see how to complete it .

How to get dependable title in pubg

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It consists of total 5 stages where you need to login for a total of 720 days. 

  • In first stage , you need to login for 30 days .
  • In second stage , you need to login for 90 days.
  • In third stage, you need to login for 180 days.
  • In fourth stage , you need to login for 360 days.
  • In fifth stage , you need to login for 720 days.
If you complete all these you can receive the Dependable Title.

How to get dependable title in pubg

How to get dependable title in pubg

Rewards:-  you can get a total of 125 Achievement points and Dependable Title

how to get dependable title in pubg

how to get dependable title in pubg

There are some more achievements and you can see here  

FAQ's :

  • How do you get a 1/100 title in PUBG?
Want to know how to complete 1/100 title? then here is the complete guide to get 1/100 title in pubg  .

  • Is Ace title permanent? 
Ace title is permanent once you reach the ace tier , by playing 5 matches in the ace tier you can get ace title . The tier may vary depending on your tier points.

  • How do you get an ace master title in Bgmi?

Ace master is the next tier after you reach ace tier , there is 100 -200 points difference in the tier.

  • How to get dependable title in bgmi ?
The above guide will make you sure to get the dependable title in bgmi. All the tips and tricks are given to get the title.
  • How many island are there in PUBG?

If we consider Erangal there is a special island called as Spawn Island, where the players will spawn before the match starts .

Each map in Pubg Mobile is considered as an Island because each and every map in Pubg Mobile is surrounded by Water itself .
  •  How many times does KONG release crystals in PUBG PUBG mobile?

In new mode , the Kong releases Kong crystals , by using that we can travel fast in the map .

Every time the Kong releases about 6 crystals in a single match .

  •  Name the country where PUBG players are very low

United Kingdom 

  •  How to check how many times I won chicken dinner in PUBG?

To check how many chicken Dinners you got , go to your pubg Profile and then click on Statistics .

In statistics , you can check all the details .

I hope it helped you in completing the Dependable Title. 

If you have queries you can comment them below or contact us .

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